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This is a debugging block


This is a debugging block

20.6.23-21.6.23 | Istituto Svizzero, via del Vecchio Politecnico 3, Milan

Architecture between Switzerland and Italy: Dialogues, Convergences, Perspectives

The conference aims to create an inter-institutional platform for the historical analysis of the architectural relations between the two countries. Despite the deep roots of these relations in the history of both nations, there has not been any systematic examination of them. From renowned masters like Francesco Borromini and Carlo Fontana to Ticinese artisans who, since the fifteenth century, have established vibrant centres of architectural production across the Italian peninsula, these exchanges continued well into the twentieth century thanks to the activity of figures like Mario Chiattone and Alberto Sartoris. But it was during and after the Second World War that the two countries, due to renewed economic and diplomatic relations, forged a solid architectural dialogue that persists to this day. From academic collaborations, like that between Aldo Rossi and ETH Zurich, to professional partnerships, like that between Herzog & de Meuron and Feltrinelli, Italy and Switzerland have created a special relationship in architecture, thus making a decisive contribution to the global conversation in the discipline. The conference will address the long and rich history of Swiss-Italian relations in architecture by bringing together more than 30 academics from more than 15 institutions who will partake in four thematic panels and one roundtable. By featuring a broad chronological framework, the event will shed light on the architectural relationships between Switzerland and Italy since the early modern times, focusing on the intense exchanges of the last seventy years. The event is jointly organized by ETH Zurich and the Politecnico di Milano. Organizers: Dr. Gregorio Astengo (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Paolo Scrivano (Politecnico di Milano), Dr. Davide Spina (ETH Zurich / ZHAW). SIA International will be represetned by our board memeber Sibil Sträuli.

The conference will take place in Italian at Istituto Svizzero, via del Vecchio Politecnico 3, Milan. Free entrance.

Armin Meili (Architekt): Centro Svizzera Milano, 1952